Priyanka Statesman says her pal Rahul Solon, a Congress mass helper, has requisite leaders skills to be the quality rector of Bharat in upcoming.
'My crony is a open and trusty symbolical of Congress and has every makings of becoming the flush minister. He present surely transmute the efflorescence parson of the land,' Priyanka told reporters here.
Priyanka is in the advise since Saturday electioneering for Rahul and care Sonia Gandhi, who give contest the Lok Sabha polls from Amethi and Rae Bareli constituencies, respectively.
She also asserted that she was against inexpensive politics.
'I am against hate and petty thought and the primary aim of all politicians should be the developing of the prohibitionist. Our persuasion should be overbold search and should aim to verify Bharat forwards,' Priyanka said.
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